Sunday, May 29, 2011

Propaganda in Advertising/PR

Propaganda is mostly known as a technique to convince people in a bad way, but in fact propaganda can be used for positive reasons as well too. Propaganda is not necessarily used for bad intentions because advertising is the same thing as propaganda, therefore the point of advertisement is to inform their target audience about the product and convince them to purchase it. There are many “Propaganda Techniques” used in advertisements, however an advertisement that has always caught my attention and uses several of the “Propaganda Techniques” are the Proactive commercial advertisements.

The first technique the advertisement uses is, appeal to fear. The commercial does a good job at making the audience fear having zits on your face and how it is not good but there is a solution. The use a celebrity to give hope to the audience and how there shouldn’t be a fear of taking care of your skin because the product Proactive is the solution since celebrities are using it so therefore they should and shouldn’t have the fear of bad skin.

Another technique used is, Testimonial. The advertisement uses several people to talk about the product and how effective it has been for them. The use testimonials to prove that the stuff really does work because regular people like us use it too and work for them so why shouldn’t it work for us. It convinces the audience to try the product since there is proof that it does work. Testimonials are the best way to attract and get the target people to purchase the product since there is no other way to show that the product really does work.

1 comment:

  1. Good example. These are especially effective techniques for the target audience, teens.
