Monday, June 20, 2011

Class Highlights

Before I took Journalism 2, I was always curious of what the class would be like. I predicted the class was going to be a lot of writing like an English class. I thought we were going to write stories and essays, however it was nothing like that. I really enjoyed this class because it covered a lot of interesting topics that us as young adults go through everyday. The media is everywhere around us, so I was able to relate to everything in class. However, I never paid close attention to the media and how it affects society as a whole. The class showed me how to analysis certain advertisements and TV programs. There is always a reason why the media exposes something; their main objective is not always to inform the public. Another interesting thing I learned was the history of all eight types of mass media. It made me realized how we have seriously left half of the eight types of mass media behind and really advanced with technology and the Internet. The media impacts have affects everyone in society, whether you agree with how the media portrays things or not. We all contribute to the media and are impacted by it.
I also learned a lot writing my research paper on the paparazzi. My research made me to really look into the First Amendment and understand exactly what the First Amendment means. I was always against the paparazzi but after my research I learned that celebrities are public figures that need tp give up some of their privacy because that’s what comes with the fame. The people are interested in them so therefore it’s the paparazzi job to serve the community.
I am so glad I took this class because I did learn things that I didn’t think there would be a subject for in school. I’m really now considering majoring in Communications and get into the Public Relations industry.Thank you Professor Deck.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got a lot out of the class. There are other journalism classes that concentrate more on writing and producing media. Maybe I'll see you in one of those classes.
